It's Done
...and nine days later the decree came in the mail. I'm officially divorced and my name is changed back to MY name (and I'm never changing it again).
I sat at the Social Security office in the hour-long line waiting for my number to be called and I started to cry. The tears came and came, quietly down my cheeks. I was surprised that I had that much emotion left, but of course I did. I thought it would just be a relief (which it was!), but I didn't expect the tears. The only other time I'd been there waiting in that exact waiting room was when I changed my name to my new hyphenated last name after I got married. Three and a half years later I was changing it back.
The tears kept coming quietly all day long, and the next day I was fine.
My ex is being calm and peaceful now, like he was subconsciously waiting for the limbo to end. Of course I expect his calm to go away sooner or later--that is his alcoholic pattern--but for now it's enjoyable to get and give a nice little hug when we exchange the dogs.
A House
Now I'm looking for a house to buy. Starting over has begun! Just my pets and me and our soon-to-be-new house, starting our old life back over again.